EMDR Therapy
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy is an evidenced based therapy proven to be helpful in recovering from trauma and PTSD symptoms. It has also been shown to be an effective treatment for anxiety, depression, chronic pain, and other distressing life experiences.
EMDR Therapy considers how traumatic and stressful life events can influence our view of our self and the world around us leading to changes in our perceptions, behaviors, and attitude. For example, a person may believe and experience the world as a more dangerous place after a traumatic event, and therefore, feel highly anxious (or even avoidant) when going into public spaces, such as community events, grocery stores, or shopping malls. Sometimes trauma can even alter how we see ourself, such as thinking it was our fault or we were somehow “not enough.”
Traumatic experiences may be single events (i.e. accidents, natural disasters), chronic, prolonged experiences (i.e. domestic violence, war), or varied and multiple events occurring simultaneously and perpetrated by a trusted caregiver known as complex trauma (i.e. childhood abuse/neglect). I will work with you to develop an understanding of how past events may be continuing to impact you now.
To learn more about EMDR Therapy, please take a look at these resources:
EMDR Therapy Sessions
My session rate is $120/hr. I am also an in-network provider for Aetna, Anthem BC/BS, CareSource (Marketplace plans only), and Medical Mutual of Ohio.
If you are interested in learning more about EMDR therapy and/or would like to schedule an appointment, please contact me at (614) 404-4240 or Katie@ColumbusEMDRTherapy.com.